The 20th of October 2008, an eager bunch of people celebrated the first post in Skrotboken's blog. Now, nearly eight months later, we have had more than 24 000 visits and it´s time, not only to look in the rear mirror, but also to to plan for the future. When we look ahead we would like to see a broad variety in booth creations as well as in the creators themselves.
We wish to expand the Skrotboken-family and welcome a number of new members to the active group, working with and for Skrotboken. Skrotboken's manifesto proclaims that our goal is to be a common open arena were creativity can flow free. Our ambition is to widen the creative views through inspiration and challenges "outside the box". Our basic principle is that all creative activity has equal value and that everyone has something to contribute. We value, among other things, usage of whatever we have at hand in our homes, the thought that creative activity regardless of shape and/or performance fits under the same headline and that (our) children and younger people are given the possibility to be creative.
It is an incredibly fun and inspiring mission to be an active part of this, but as the saying goes "the more, the merrier". With more active people, we can obviously do more and thus contribute to diversity and creativity in the world of scrapbooking and paper crafts.
Taking care of and adminstre a creativity blog and related forums; at present only for planning and internal communication, do take time. Since no one of us can spend as much time on our hobby as we might want to do; and still want to keep and/or even increase Skrotbokens ability to be an active source of inspiration, we are now looking for inspirational creators and blog authors to expand our family.
Is this you?
If your answer to any of these questions is yes, you are just the person we are looking for.
As a member of team Skrotboken we can offer en environment where you are inspired to create, are welcome to share your thoughts and realize your ideas together with the rest of the team. It's a place where creativity thrives and all creations are valued as equally important.
Our requirements are that you
- are active in our planning forum - log in and post at least twice a week
- create and make at least two contributions a month
Our expectations are that you
- contribute with ideas and suggestions in all questions regarding Skrotboken; basic ideas as well as content in both the short and long run
- are confident in writing blog posts and accept responsibility of your own postings (even though we do welcome the ones that just want to create as well)
- try to develop yourself through reflecting over your creativity and your work
Skrotboken feels no limits and happily welcome applicants from all countries of the world. Young or adult, experienced or beginner. Regardless of the style in witch you create - just send us your application!
All applications will be considered. Our decisions will ultimately be based on how we can complement each other in our work together for Skrotboken.
Your application should include
- two creations which shows us the style in witch you create. Choose your favourites. You can include something where you have used non-traditional scrap material - although this is not an requirement. Maximum picture size is 700 pixles width or height.
- one creation where you have created something "different". If you usually scrap layouts, include a card or something altered. If you create with paper, send in something digital. And so on. Maximal picture size is 700 pixles width or heigh.
- one new creation where you show who you are. Any format will do - layout, card, digital layout or something altered. Create about your personal beliefs, your "secret" side or something unlikely you have experienced or done. Have fun and create with a personal touch. It is important that your creation shows who you are.
- a couple of suggestions for future blog postings that you would like to read and gladly are prepared to take responsibility for.
- a presentation of you as a person and as a scrapper
- a line or two of why you would like to become an active member of Skrotboken
- a link to your blog or your gallery so we can spy on you ;))
Applications are sent to and should be tagged "I´d like to participate". :)
Send your application before Sunday 12th of July, 23.59 (Swedish time zone).
Welcome with your application!
Tävla och utmanas
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Pågående serier
Tidigare inläggsserier
Mini Art Journal 2011
- Om Skrotboken
- Vi använder färg
- Vi använder olika material
- Vi berättar
- Vi besöker kreativa rum
- Vi bjuder till bords
- Vi delar med oss och lär av varandra
- Vi dukar
- Vi fokuserar på form
- Vi fokuserar på mönster
- Vi fokuserar på olika dekorationer
- Vi fortsätter med
- Vi ger plats för eftertanke
- Vi gör det själv
- Vi har varit på mässa
- Vi har varit på scrapträff
- Vi inspireras av...
- Vi kliver utanför lådan
- Vi kåserar
- Vi liftar
- Vi låter barn skapa
- Vi lär oss tekniker
- Vi lär oss tekniker Vi använder olika material Vi kliver utanför lådan Vi använder färg Vi gör det själv
- Vi nyhets- och trendspanar
- Vi ordar om
- Vi ordar om ..
- Vi presenterar
- Vi skapar Art Journal
- Vi skapar från samma
- Vi skapar Mini Art Journal
- Vi skapar på uppdrag
- Vi skissar och skapar
- Vi tar datorn till hjälp
- Vi tar fram och delar ut mallar
- Vi tittar på scrapstilar
- Vi tävlar och drar lott
- Påminnelse - Skrotboken värvar medlemmar
- Skrotboken are looking for new creative members
- Midsommar
- Födelsedagar - ett tema som klistrar sig fast
- Skiss #9 - 15 juni
- Den ljusnande framtid är vår...
- Ett blå-gult läsarbidrag
- Sams byteshandel
- Påminnelse - Skrotboken värvar medlemmar
- Resultat av och vinnare i vårt framtidslotteri
- Du gamla, du fria...
- Idag firar vi med Danmark
- Rock on!
- Skrotboken värvar medlemmar
Länkar till Skrotboken
Månadens sponsor
Vi som skapar
Kontakta oss
Synpunkter, önskemål, nya kontakter, sponsring av utmaningar osv. Allt är välkommet.
Kort sagt: Kreativitet och inspiration är vad Skrotboken är.
Kreativitet som leder till inspiration, inspiration som leder till kreativitet.
Galleri och inspiration
Kommentera med direktlänk
Alla kan kommentera ett inlägg. Om du lämnar en direktlänk till ett blogginlägg eller till en bild i ditt galleri hittar vi igen det just du skapat.
Observera att vi har en egen kategori med pågående utmaningar för specifika tillfällen. Där anges slutdatum för att få komma med i planerade framtida inlägg.
I övrigt finns ingen deadline för att lämna in sin tolkning och därmed bidra till Skrotbokens inspirationsbank.
Copyright ©2008
Kopiera inte bilder till din egen hemsida/blogg. Använd heller inget material för annan publicering i samband med utmaningar, bloggar, forum, butiker eller annat utan att först fråga om tillstånd.
Om du inspireras av något som publiceras i Skrotboken vore vi tacksamma om dels länkar till Skrotboken och dels lämnar en kommentar till det inlägg du inspirerats av med en länk till ditt eget alster.
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